New App

15 March 2015

May I present to you… my latest Android app!

Isn't it beautiful?

It's called RSS Fetch and it's basically a simple RSS feed reader. It allows users to read RSS feeds from their favourite websites and notifies them when they're updated (if automatic updating is enabled). It has a very clean and simple interface that makes it easy to use.

It's not on the Play Store yet, since I'm still working on fixing a few bugs and finishing the localization, but it will be rather soon. Rather than placing a price on this, like I did on the STO Bus Finder, I'm making it free with a tiny ad banner at the bottom so that there's still some profit from it.

I'm making the RSS Fetch app work in three languages - English, French, and Spanish. I'm hoping that this will allow me to reach a larger audience with it. I haven't finished the Spanish translation yet, and I still haven't started the French translation, so that's where most of the delay in getting it on the Play Store is coming from.

I'll post an update once the app's on the Play Store with a more complete feature list.

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