
About Me

Hi there.

I suppose I should say something about myself.

This is me!
This is me

My name's Matthew, I was born in the shining town of Bow Island, Alberta and spent the first two years or so of my life living in Mexico. I'm currently living in Aylmer (Gatineau), Quebec and have been for the greater part of my life.

At the moment, I'm seeking employment as an entry-level program in either the Ottawa, Ontario or Montreal, Quebec areas, and spent the last two years doing volunteer work for my church after having completed my Computer Science degree at Heritage College.

My weekdays are mostly occupied with job hunting and independent programming projects, and my weekends consist mainly of three things: friends, swing dancing and church. I was introduced to swing dancing, against my will at the time, by my brother at the ripe age of 13 and have been going to the weekly dances in Ottawa ever since. As for church, I've been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for most of my life and continue to attend their services and to do service with them.

I started this website as a way to share my thoughts and ideas with the world, as well as to fill the few remaining spare minutes of my week and to have something nice to put on my resume; I have since changed the website to showcase my independant programming endeavours. I hand-coded every line of code for this website using HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, PHP, and XML. I also did all the design, documentation, etc.

That being said, I hope you enjoy my website, take some time to look around, admire my artwork, maybe even leave a comment or two.

Ciao for now!
